Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey Girl, You should text me ;)

We have all met new people in unexpected situations, or was left a little note from someone that you exchanges a few glances with. That secret admirer who finally got the courage to speak up and approach you. One of my favorite things to ask couple's who are getting married at my resort is, "How did y'all meet?" I love hearing how two complete strangers can unexpectedly meet or how one of them had the courage to start a conversation. I can't wait to have a story of my own, I have no idea how or when that will be but it will be my favorite story to tell over and over. What I do know is that it will not start with a text.

Call me old fashioned if you will, but what happened to "Can I call you?" at the end of a conversation with someone that has sparked your interest? How did it get replaced with "Can I text you later?" The moment after the first interaction where you are filled with such mixed emotions between excitement and nerves and anticipation for that next contact is as scary as it is exciting, but for that next interaction to be a simple text message? What a let down! I want to hear a voice, to hear him be as nervous as I am, to hear the excitement caused by the first meeting! Anyone can have a little bit of chemistry through text messages, but for someone to have the courage to call and talk for those few minutes, thats a man move in my opinion.

I have only had a few secret admirer notes left for me, today was one of them. I found this note on my car as I was leaving the post office this morning. I give him full credit for giving it a shot, but "txt me" is not the same as "Call Me", this shows me that he will probably try to get to know me through a constant conversation through out the day of small question's about "me", those basic question's that you would ask a complete stranger on the subway to make the time pass, and at the end of the day possibly see about "hanging out sometime". This is a boy move, not a man move. The text should come much later in first getting to know someone. The call creates anticipation for the date, makes your mind wonder what type of person is behind the attraction created initially, makes you nervous and excited at the same time. The call is what a grand gesture of courage and respect to whom it's directed. Men call, boys text.

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