Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Witty Title Here

Quote of the day...

"Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity"- Albert Einstein

Ok so My name is Cassie, I am a current student of UTSA pursuing a degree in Entrepreneurship. I don't know what my talent is yet or where I want to go but I strongly believe in doing something with what you have at that moment. I am starting a small photography business (Hypnotic Photography) while also doing Event Coordinating for a small resort in Boerne. I am new to this perspective of blogging but I am going to give it a try! I appreciate DIY and art and creative personalities but I am myself not the creative type. I can copy what someone else can do any day but creating?? That's a whole different arena that I can not succeed in. I want to bring out my creative side though, I want to be crafty so what I am hoping is to use this blog for a combination of sorts. One- I want to use it to encourage crafty thoughts and idea's, maybe one day bring together the crafty minded in a way. Two- Show my exploration through photography, although my training was not a formal education, I want to show how I continue to learn new techniques and information on my own and hopefully you will be able to see my grow through my pictures. And Three- to motivate other's to continue personal exploration. I am a lost soul as I start this blog, I don't know what or where I want to be but I know I am not there yet. I know I have a lot to learn and that I have not found what it is that I am meant for. I know there is more out there for me but I have no idea what that is or even an inkling of where it is going to take me. So here is Day 1, the preface to my continued search for my talent, my passion, the rest of my life.

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