Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why I'm Searching for my Talent

As I continue this blog I will keep referring to my search to find my Talent, by using Talent I am not simply referring to just something that I am good at. I am good at a lot in my life. I pick thing's up very easily, I have not had to give an exceptional amount of effort for anything in my life because thing's tend to come easy for me. By talent, I am referring to a passion or greatness that I can share. Something that will inspire and motivate me to go beyond just being good at something.
      I had just finished spending the last 2 weeks working at Camp Longhorn in Burnet, Tx. It has always been my escape to work there during the summer and was ultimately tired and ready to be home by the end of it. I was in the period of my life where I had just moved into a new apartment, I received my first promotion to a management position while also continuing to work retail for Whole Earth and continuing to pursue my education with summer courses as well as making time to work at Camp Longhorn. It was all work and no play for me for the past 6 month's. But I felt like this was what we are meant to do to grow and become the adult's that we are meant for. It was a sunday, I had received a call from one of my three current jobs and they had scheduled me during my requested time off. I was filled with panic and a slight bit of frustration but we worked it out for me to go in later that night so that I was able to finish at camp, drive home, shower, and head straight there. I left camp feeling good and proud of myself for being so busy with work. I got back to my house and got ready and left with a good 10 mins to spare with all my camp gear in my car since I did not have the time to unpack. Driving down the same highway I had been driving since I was 16, the same city I have lived in my entire life, I noticed that I was missing a key on my key chain to the gym that I was promoted to and immediately panicked. I just got the new job and already lost the key, and than I was going to have to pay for all the lock's to be redone! But than I remembered that the key was in my dresser at my new apartment. Next thing I know I am upside down, there is broken glass everywhere, I hear people screaming at me, no clue what had just happened, I had my head down for 3 maybe 5 seconds and my whole world had been thrown through a roller coaster. I found out later that the lane had been moved over due to construction and I had crashed into a sand barrel going 70 or 75 mph which caused my car to roll and be struck by the car behind me. I walked away with barely a scratch and a few bruises.
      At the hospital, the nurse simply asked me "So what's your talent?" I was confused why she would ask that. She said, "for you to live through that, you must have a Talent that God want's you to share. So what's your talent?" I had no answer for her, I couldn't imagine anything that I could consider a talent to share. I had spent the last 6 months working 2 or more jobs at a time for money. I had no adventures, rarely saw my family and friends because I thought I was doing what we are all suppose to do to grow up. If I had died that day, I would have left behind the memory of someone who was never around because money was more important. That was the start of new life.
     So now I am looking for my talent. What I can give and share with other's. I look for new friends and memories, new experiences, new values and hope. Money is good and necessary but money is not my life nor will I let it be that again.

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